Colours And Perspective.

Colours and Perspective is a collaborative virtual exhibition by Mad Creative and Nana Tenadu.

Colours and Perspective is a collaborative virtual exhibition by Mad Creative and Nana Tenadu. Where each brand exhibits their works based on themes they have chosen.

Edwin Boye is exhibiting surreal art pieces for Mad Creative which is related to his theme ‘Self Realization’.

Self-realization is the greatest service we can render the world. Edwin believes that the fulfillment of one’s self is self realization. Each artwork in this series has its own story, manipulating the colors of the sky and changing the form of every character to resonate with you.

A life of excellence is based on the actualization of human potentialities. Light is a powerful metaphor for spiritual insight.

Nana Tenadu will exhibit on the theme ‘Mental Health Awareness’.
The stigma that surrounds mental illness and mental health makes it difficult for some people to seek treatment and get the help that they need and deserve

The stigma can cause some people to feel shame about the symptoms and struggles that they are facing. We can only deal with our weaknesses better when we talk about them. Our society and experiences in the world have conditioned us to be embarrassed by our weakness so we hide them. However, Nana Tenadu will premiere a short film titled ‘Faces and Movements’ codirection by Edwin Boye. Along with the frames from the project ‘Random Thoughts’.

Join us on this experience as we create stories as concepts to help bring change and push agendas relating to social happenings.

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Faces And Movements.

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  1. Elliot Alderson

    You’ve changed the way I think about this topic. I appreciate your unique perspective.

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