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Women face danger to their lives, health and well-being as a result of lack of power and influence. In some parts of the world, women’s knowledge and abilities often go unrecognized. The aim behind this project is to provide vital awareness for women to be able to express their views about their identity and their rights within societies not fully accepting women for who they are and what they look like.

It is important to debate the problems and prospects women face, and find new avenues for public expression. This project is a form of indication; by bringing attention to the insecurities women face, society will begin to recognize the problems and work towards change. To all women, the only tool required is simple. It is your voice.

This project is a Mad House collaboration which features Mad Creative, Nana Tenadu, Clara Jack and Hannah Cowan. The digital artist, MadCreative designed an artwork to tell the story of women adding to the narrative. Writers, Nana Tenadu, Clara Jack and Hannah Cowan wrote on different topics inspiring women and channeling power through words.

Mad House is an African distribution house that is engaged in evolution, manufacturing and dispensing creatives in every field. Our aim is to build a movement where everyone in it has the right and is obligated to dream, create and invent things. We give room to open-mindedness. An Idea that will keep people from being trapped in the box, to having access to the best minds in the world and giving them the creative liberty to work.

The digital artworks inclusive in the project will be showcased in a virtual room (Art Placer) along with all the descriptions. This is to attract collectors from all over the world to understand our motive and purchase. Also, 50% proceeds made from selling the artworks will be directed to ‘Black Girls Glow’ as support to the women creative industry.

According to the United Nations Development Programme; ‘Ending all discrimination against women and girls is not only a basic human right, it is crucial for sustainable future; it is proven that empowering women and girls helps economic growth and development’. It is only recently that women’s participation in the creative arts field has begun to gain recognition as an important instrument to measure female empowerment. However, this project provides a vital platform for women to express their views about their identity and their rights within conservative societies not fully accepting of the role of women as culture producers.

    The United Nations women strategy for change being “Women Count” states that Women and girls aged 10+ spend 14.4% of their time on unpaid care and domestic work, compared to 3.5% spent by Men. Also In 2018, 10.2% of women aged 15-49 years reported that they had been subject to physical and sexual violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12months. With this influence and also through art, we believe to change the story and reflect on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as historic global compact to aid achieve gender equality by 2030. Every need in the world would be satisfied if every woman lived her mission. A self-assured woman is an explorer. She takes action to uncover her life’s purpose and commits to living in accordance with it. Taking action gives you confidence, and an empowered woman knows this firsthand. She is afraid, but she continues to take on challenging tasks. She submits applications for positions that appear to be just out of reach. She returns to college to get a degree in a specialized area. She requests a long-overdue raise or promotion and she’s aware that she’s gaining healthy self-assurance in the process. This self-assurance is powerful, and it will inspire future generations of women to take action, gain confidence, and make a difference in the world.

    Digital Artist: Mad Creative

    Writers: Nana Tenadu, Clara Jack and Hannah Cowan.

    Below is the link to the project and artworks:


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      1. Elliot Alderson

        I’ve been following your blog for a while now, and this post might be your best one yet!

      2. Joanna Wellick

        Your writing is so clear and concise. I’m always excited when you publish something new.

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